Johnsons 2011

Johnsons 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finally it's warm

This weekend was so nice! I had Friday off so I spent it studying, which isn't all that fun, but I needed to catch up, so it wasn't that bad. Then on Saturday Matt and my Uncle Gene signed up for the Salt Lake Century ride, which is a 100 mile bike ride that starts at the Salt Lake Fairgrounds and goes to Antelope Island and back. They did so good. Because of the rain, Matt hadn't been able to get out and train as much as he would have likes, so he wasn't sure if he'd do the full 100 miles. There are check points at the 17 mile mark and the 36 mile mark, so if they decided not to do the whole thing they could stop there. Anyway, we got up at 5:30 a.m. and got ready to go. We got to the fairgrounds at 7 and the guys signed in and got their gear and bikes all ready. It was kind of cold, but I figured once they got going they would be fine. They got on their bikes at 7:30 and were off.

I had a map so I knew where they would be riding. The first check point was at a park in Farmington, so Claire and I headed there. We got there a little after 8 and there were already bikers fueling up (with the granola bars and bananas) and heading out. Matt and Gene got there at 8:40. I guess Matt's chain fell off cause he sifted too fast or something so they had to stop for that, but they were making good time for not training a whole lot. They rested there for about 30 minutes and then took off for the next leg of the journey. Claire and I headed for the park in Syracuse. By this time she was super tired so I hoped she would fall asleep, and she did, so I got to the park and parked a little ways away from all the bikers so I would get stuck in the car surrounded by them and not be able to get out. I pulled out my studying stuff and waited while Claire slept. Matt called me at 10:15 looking for me cause they just got there. The guys went and got some lunch and they determined that they were done for the day. They figured it would be best not to overdo it and not be able to move the next couple of days, so I took them back to the fairgrounds and we all headed home. I was a fun adventure. Matt had a good time and me and Claire did too. Oh, and I had my camera all ready to take pictures, but the battery was dead, so you'll have to imagine what it looked like!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Today is Easter and it has been a nice day so far. We woke up and had pancakes and eggs for breakfast and I didn't burn anything! We had to be to the church by 10:30 to meet with the Bishop. He extended a call to me to be in the Primary. It should be fun! I'm excited. Then we had our meetings and they were all very good. After church Matt wanted to take some Easter pictures of us in our matching purple. Claire had her pretty easter dress on and Matt wore his purple tie. I had to find something purple to wear so I found an old shirt I hadn't worn in a while that's purple. The pictures turned out cute, I just posted one.

We put Claire down for a nap and relaxed for a while. When we went to wake her up to go to my mom's she had fallen asleep sitting up but then laid her head down so she was folded in half. It's pretty funny. Here's a pic.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life in the ghetto

So Matt and I have been living in my brother-in-law's house for the last year and a half. It has been really nice to save some money on rent especially since we had a little girl this last year. Anyway, I always joke that we live in the ghetto, which it really is...I think. To support my statement that we live in the ghetto, today we left to go to my mom's house for dinner and as we were pulling out of our ghetto driveway/road that we live down, there was a group of men gathered around a trunk. The trunk was opened and I'm pretty sure they were selling something. Probably stereo equipment or tvs or something. I just thought it was funny. I'm kind of glad that we're moving in a month or so.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A little update

Well, we had a wonderful Christmas with lots of family and presents. Matt's brother and family were able to come from Iowa for Christmas andwe got to meet our new little nephew, Scotty. He is adorable. My brother and his family were also able to come for the holidays and stay for a couple weeks.

Matt and I waited until Claire woke up around 8:30 or so and then we had her open presents. She had fun with the wrapping paper and boxes. We got her some bath toys that she loves. She also got some new books, some pants and pjs, and a crocodile toy. Matt got me some cake decorating tips and a couple shirts from American Eagle. I got Matt a new Plain White T's CD, some biking shorts and a new drill. All in all we had a very nice Christmas.

After we were done with our little Christmas we went over to the Johnson's for Christmas there. Julie was anxious and ready! She had created piles of everyone's Christmas presents and once we were sitting on the couch we weren't able to move because of all the presents!! It was a great Christmas. Claire got more books from Grandma. I got some clothes, slippers, and a book. Matt got the monopoly ubuild game. It's like monopoly but you decide how big your game board will be and there are different properties and rules. It was really fun playing and he loves it!! We had delicious omelets th
at Scott made and were able to just sit and enjoy. It was fun!

That afternoon we went to my parent's house for more
Christmas. We looked at what the kids got for Christmas and they got some fun things. We opened some presents and got more nice things. Claire got some clothes from
Grandma and a fun spinning toy from MRT (Melinda, Rachel and Tyler). Stacy got Claire some cute croqueted boots - they
are so cute!! Matt got an odometer and a book and I got a sewing basket and scrapbook stuff. Then we played a couple rounds of Hand and Foot and, of course, Monopoly!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I know this is a couple weeks late, but that's okay.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Claire is 6 months old!

I went to the doctor on Friday with Claire and he said she is doing good. She weighs 15 lbs and 8 oz and is 25.8 inches long. She got her shots and was so sad the rest of the day. But today she is doing a lot better...she seems like she's back to her happy self.

We have been taking pictures of her every month next to Mr. Bear so we can see how she is growing. Here she is 6 months old!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Utes game

So Matt and I thought it would be fun to go to a Utes game since they had been playing so well. So in August we picked a game to go to...the TCU game. As the season went on the Utes were playing very well, i.e. they hadn't lost a game. So the TCU game was approaching and people kept telling us to sell our tickets, but we held out and went to the game. We got to the stadium around 10 in the morning and it was filled with the energy from the fans. It was fun! We got to see the TCU team get off the bus and we got a picture of the coach. Then we walked over to the Utes side and saw their team walk through the fans and got a picture of Coach Whittinham. Matt was stoked! We got some lunch and then found our seats...row 10. It was pretty good. The game started and the cheering was so loud. But as you know, the game was embarrassing - they lost 7 to 47. At least they made a touchdown. But it was still a fun experience!